Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Is It Your Heart, Or Just Heartburn?

Is It Your Heart, Or Just Heartburn?

We all love food. Not only is it an essential part of our lives, it also brings us together for family gatherings and seasonal celebrations, like Christmas, where everyone meets and enjoys a special meal. The same happens at Thanksgiving, Hanukah and many other celebrations in all countries and faiths. Basically, any time we get together it's likely to involve food of some kind or another.

Unfortunately, these hearty meals can also cause problems like heartburn, indigestion or sometimes both; recognizing the sings of heartburn can be a great help in preventing it before it causes too much discomfort.

The Main Cause of Heartburn

Heartburn is most often caused by foods that are not easily digested in our stomach and digestive system. The common signs of heartburn are: a burning sensation in the chest and stomach area, vomiting, sometimes shortness of breath and an ache in the chest area.

When you have any of these signs of heartburn, the best thing is to take some fast-acting heartburn and indigestion pills - water-soluble or chewable tables - which will provide relief within 10-15 minutes. If possible, try and lie down for this period of time until you start feeling the healing effects.

Other Ways of Avoiding Heartburn

You can avoid heartburn even before it starts and here's how: before any big meal, or when you have identified particular types of food that cause you heartburn, take a tablet (or two, as required) before you have the meal to prevent it before it starts.

Many heartburn medications do not need any prescription and so are readily available over the counter in all drug and grocery stores. Find out which heartburn medicine is right for you and always carry some with you - you never know when you'll crave that greasy burger or hotdog and the signs of heartburn will start to show.

Another very effective way to prevent heartburn is to eat sensibly, which in other words means not to over-eat. There are times when a particular dish is so tasty you'll want to keep on eating, not realizing that you are overloading your stomach with the usual inevitable results - chest pain, acid regurgitation and all the rest. Was it really worth it? Perhaps the old adage, "A little of what you fancy" is the best advice, with the emphasis on the "little".

Helpful Tip

We all over eat from time to time - that's just human nature - but, if you keep in mind the discomfort you will soon be going through, perhaps you'll find it best to regulate your food intake to a level just before the pain begins. Not only will you avoid the heartburn but your waist size will benefit as well.

Do You Have Diabetes?

Do You Have Diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition in which the amount of glucose in the blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly. Glucose comes from the digestion of starchy foods such as bread, rice, and potatoes.

Insulin is a vital part of the diabetes fight. It is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas that helps the glucose to enter the cells where it is used as fuel by the body. The main symptoms of diabetes that goes untreated are increased thirst, going to the bathroom all the time, blurred vision and thrust.

There are so many people that are dealing with the problem of diabetes. Many times people that are older are finding out that they have it. Over the years of eating incorrectly and the genetic risk factor, they are being faced with the reality that their body is now in danger and they have to change their habits and lifestyle to control it.

Many children are being told that they are at risk for getting diabetes as well. Some times these children are younger or older depending on their eating habits and how well they are taking care of their bodies. This is something that parents have to get under control before it is too late.

It is a good idea to eat right and to take care of your body at an early age. There are so many unhealthy foods out there that are hurting people and their health. It is important to eat a lot of the healthy foods that your body need. You need to eat fruits and vegetables instead of sugar and starch. You need to get in the habit of eating well so that you can maintain a healthy body and lifestyle.

Getting plenty of exercise is another good way to avoid getting diabetes. It is never too late for anyone to start getting in shape. They have to find a way to keep their body in tune so that they are healthier and to keep the diabetes away.

Anyone is at risk for diabetes and it is smart that you think about it before you get it. You can stop or at least slow down this disease from taking over your body. Staying healthy is the only way that you can fight off diabetes and much other disease that affect the body.

Getting the right check ups is another way to fight off any type of diseases like diabetes. The more that you know what is going on with your body, the better shape you will be in. You have to get yourself the proper medical attention that you need so that you can feel your best.

The important aspect of diabetes is to not ignore it and get professional advice, whether a personal physician, nurse, or an online web site.

If you have diabetes or know a loved one you can get tips, information and essential facts with "Living With Diabetes", now in ebook and audio.

When Diabetes Is Not Diabetes

When Diabetes Is Not Diabetes

Mention the word diabetes and the vast majority of people will assume that you are talking about either type 1 diabetes, which affects about 10% of diabetes sufferers, or type 2 diabetes, which is the most commonly seen form of the disease and is currently growing alarmingly. But did you know that there is a third type of diabetes which has no connection whatsoever with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, apart from sharing the name diabetes.

Diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, is a condition in which the body is unable to process sugar satisfactorily and, for this reason, it is sometimes known as sugar diabetes. By contrast, diabetes insipidus, is a condition in which the body is unable to process water correctly and, accordingly, it is sometimes known water diabetes.

Diabetes insipidus is characterized by an unusually high intake of fluid, high output of urine and, in some cases, an excessive thirst. The symptoms of diabetes insipidus include the frequent need to urinate, awakening at night to urinate or involuntary urination while sleeping. Also, the volume of urine output increases because the body is unable to concentrate it and it is usually very pale in color or colorless in appearance.

There are four types of diabetes insipidus:

Neurogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Neurogenic diabetes insipidus (also commonly referred to as pituitary diabetes insipidus) is caused by a lack of the hormone vasopressin, which is produced by the pituitary gland and is needed in order for the kidneys to function properly and to concentrate urine.

Gestagenic Diabetes Insipidus

Gestagenic diabetes insipidus (also known as gestational diabetes insipidus) occurs during pregnancy and is often the result of destruction of vasopressin within the placenta.

Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus occurs when, in spite of the normal production of vasopressin, the kidneys still fail to properly concentrate urine. This form of diabetes insipidus can be inherited and can also be the result of kidney disease and taking certain types of drug.

Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Dipsogenic diabetes insipidus is a type of primary polydipsia in which an excessive fluid intake suppresses the effects of the hormone vasopressin. This is usually caused by an abnormality in the part of the brain that regulates thirst. Dipsogenic diabetes insipidus is easily confused with neurogenic diabetes insipidus and the only way to identify which form of the disease you are looking at is to measure the body's production of vasopressin.

There is also a second type of primary polydipsia known as psychogenic polydipsia which, as its name would suggest, has a variety of psychosomatic causes.

Despite the fact that there is some similarity in the symptoms of diabetes and diabetes insipidus it seems strange, and more than a little confusing, that the medical profession should have decided to give these two quite different conditions the same name.

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

You Are The Top Dog: Letting Your Wolf Dog Know You Are The Alpha

You Are The Top Dog: Letting Your Wolf Dog Know You Are The Alpha

Your Wolf Hybrid Dog needs to know that you are the leader of its pack, thus giving it the proper perspective of its place and yours in the world.

You may find this list of rules helpful to ensure your dog understands your mutual places.

If you own a wolf hybrid, you should consider heeding these rules. Canines need to have a clear understanding of their place in the pack. A wolfdog lacking that insight will not be happy or fulfilled. We are honored to share our insights from years of breeding and training at

Some wolfdog behaviors might not be what they seem. For example separation anxiety may seem like your wolf dog is destructive when you leave the house. When in reality it is nervous being left home alone. Wolves are social animals which live in packs, thus they do not do well being left alone for extended periods of time.

The primary way to communicate with your wolf dog that you are its pack leader is to take it for a walk. Now, don’t consider the typical walk most humans take with their dog, where the dog is actually taking the human for a walk. You are going on a pack walk where the wolf is made to heel beside or behind you. This is most important for all dogs, as in a canine's mind, the pack leader will always lead the way. A dog must not be allowed to sniff or eliminate anytime it wishes, but when you allow it. The dog should be concentrating on following you - the human pack leader. This pack type walk should be done daily. Not only will this release built up energy, but it will satisfy the dog's instinct to migrate, which all dogs possess. Dog's who have excess energy bottled up inside them and who do not have their migration instinct met will develop various instability issues that most people mistake for being breed traits.

All pack leaders eat first. When you give your wolfdog its food, eat a small snack first while it is watching, lay the snack near the wolf’s food so that it thinks you are eating out of its bowl. Remember, the leader always eats first. As it is eating push its face out of the food bowl and mix the food with your hand. That lets it know the food is yours but you are done and it can have the rest. It also leaves your scent on the food, making it yours.

Don’t feed table scraps to the wolves during a meal, as tempting as it may be. If there are leftovers you want to give it, put them in its bowl when you are through eating and ready to leave the table. That way the alphas have eaten first and it eats last.

Feedings must be at a scheduled time, as you determine when those in the pack eat.

You should not let the dog go through any doorway first. The leader of the pack always goes first. If the dog does not stay behind the humans, the dog must be told to "stay" and given the command to "come" after all humans have passed through. If the dog is allowed to go first it is then in the place of pack leader.

You should never go to the dog, it should always come to you.

A basic obedience command such as “Sit” or “Come” should be given before pleasurable interaction with the dog. The children should give the dogs commands at least once a day and reward with a treat when the command is followed. This builds a child’s position as the pack leader as well. A simple “Sit” will do. No treat should be awarded if the dog does not follow the command. Show your dog it does not get anything for free. Its food, water, treats, even praise/love have to be earned by doing something. Even something as little as sit or come. Make sure the dog takes the treat from your hands gently. Do not ever allow the dog to snatch the treat from your hand.

You should not lay on the floor to watch TV when the dog is around and no one should roll around the floor playing with the wolfdogs, as a human should never put himself in an equal or lesser height position than the wolf.

You are the one who greets newcomers first, your wolf-hybrid is the last who gets attention (the pack leader is the one who greets newcomers and lets the rest know when it is safe to greet the newcomer)

If your wolfdog is laying in your path, do not walk around the wolf, make it move.

During the time you are establishing your higher pack position, no hugs should be given to the dog by you, as a dominant dog may consider this a challenge of power.

If you establish eye contact with the wolfdog, the wolf must avert its gaze first. If the human averts first, the wolf will feel like it has a higher power position. Tell the children not to have staring contest with the wolf, as if they avert or blink first, it will only reinforce, in the wolfdog’s mind, that it is pack leader.

Ideally, wolfdogs should not sleep in your bed. In the wolf world, the most comfortable place to sleep is reserved for the higher members of the pack. If a wolfdog is allowed to sleep on the bed, the dog must be invited up and not be allowed to push the humans out of their way. Making them sleep at the foot of the bed rather than, for example, on your pillow, is best. The wolf-hybrid should never be invited to get on the bed before the human.

Wolfdogs must never be allowed to mouth or bite anyone at any time, including in play.

Any attention given to the wolfdog, including petting should be given when the human decides attention is to be given (absolutely no petting when the wolf nudges or paws you or your hand. This would be letting the dog decide and reinforcing, in his mind, that he is higher on the scale than the human.)

You, not the wolf, must start and finish all games of fetch or play with toys.

Wolfdogs should not be allowed to lie on your furniture, except by invitation of the leader of the pack who always gets the most comfortable spot. Dogs belong on the floor. If you do decide to allow your dog on the furniture, you must be the one who decides when it is allowed up and you must be the one who decides when it is to get off, by inviting it up and telling it to get down.

No tug-of-war, as this is a game of power and you may lose the game giving the wolf a reinforcement (in its mind) of pack leader (not all trainers agree on this).

Wolves need to be taught a “Drop it” or release command. Any objects the wolfdog has in its possession should be able to be taken away by all humans.

Wolves own no possessions, everything belongs to you. They are all on "loan" from the human family. You should be able to handle or remove any item at all times from the wolfdog with no problems from the animal. Even if you are taking a chicken bone out of the wolfdog's mouth.

Wolfdogs should not be allowed to pull on the leash. When they do this they are leading the way and it is your job to lead the way and show that you are higher up in the pack order. (In the wild, the leader of the pack always leads the way; the pack leader leads the hunt.)

When you put its food dish down, it must wait until you give the "OK" to eat. Place its food on the ground and tell it to wait. If it darts at the food, block it with your body. You can point at it and tell it, "No, Wait" They read each other’s energy by reading body language, and your dog can read yours. Yes, your dog can read your emotions. So stand tall and think "Big" and stay confident. Do not be nervous, your wolfdog will sense this and assume you are weak. It is this weakness that triggers a wolf to try and take over (for the good of the pack, the pack needs a strong leader). Give the wolf-hybrid a previously taught command before giving them their food. If a wolfdog does not follow the command (i.e. to sit), he does not eat. When he does respond to the command, you invite him to eat his food.
Wolfdogs should never be left unsupervised with children or anyone who cannot maintain leadership over the dog. Sometimes family members also need to be trained.

Last but certainly not least... when you are around your wolfdog avoid emotions such as fear, anxiety, harshness or nervousness. Your wolf can sense these emotions and will see you as weak. This will escalate your problem as your wolf feels an even stronger need to be your leader. Think Big and Powerful and be calm, assertive, and consistent. Remember, there is no hiding your emotions from your wolfdog. They can in a sense, read our minds, in reading our body language. Picture yourself, in your own mind as big, powerful and very sure of yourself. Pull your shoulders back and stand up straight. This is your number one resource when it comes to communicating with your wolfdog. Your wolf-hybrid will be happy and secure knowing he has a strong pack leader to care for him or her.

How To Keep Your Dog Cool In The Summer

How To Keep Your Dog Cool In The Summer

Summer is a time for fun - swimming, picnics, baseball games, and playing with your dog in your newly mowed lawn. The only downside to summer is the heat! For us humans it's easy to keep a tall glass of lemonade around or crank the air conditioning up to keep us cool during these months.

But our pets don't often have it so easy. It can be miserable for your dog to be stuck in the heat for long periods of time with no way to keep cool. While it's obviously preferable to keep your best friend indoors when the weather gets hot, sometimes it's not practical.

If you absolutely have to keep your dog outside during these hot months, then there are a few simple things you can do to keep your dog safe and cool. You DON'T want to forget these tips - they are absolutely essential.

First off, make sure your dog has plenty of shade. You can build a simple pavilion out of scrap wood and a tarp if there is no other shade source. Shade can make a big difference!

Also, make sure your dog has lots of cool water. They make great water bowls now that can be hooked up to a hose and that continually refills the bowl when the water level drops below a certain point. It's great because your dog will never run out of cool water!

Another super way to keep your dog cool is to give him access to a kiddie pool filled with water, but this is only for dogs that like the water and are able to swim. Remember: safety first! Don't do this if you have a small, short-legged dog that could drown in the pool.

Finally, and one of the best ways to keep your pet cool during the summer, you can get your dog a cooling dog bed (also known as a dog cooling mat).

The cooling dog bed (or dog cooling mat) is a great way to make sure your dog stays comfortable in that blistering summer heat. And if you are looking for a cheap dog bed, a cooling dog bed or dog cooling mat usually don't cost too much and works great besides that. They require NO electricity but simply work by dispersing the water inside the dog cooling mat when they lay down, providing a cool, dry place to sleep. They're made out of a tough nylon material as well so that claws won't puncture when the dogwalks across them. Cooling dog beds are a great way to keep your favorite pet from suffering in the hot summer sun. These dog cooling mats are also great for dogs that have just gotten back from playing outside or taking a doggie walk.

Remember to always follow these tips when your dog is outside in the summer. In the end however, the best way to keep your dog cool is to keep him indoors when the heat is too much!

Learn more about cooling dog beds at You'll discover many different types of dog cooling mats and cooling dog beds for your pet.

How to Stop Your Puppy Chewing Problem

How to Stop Your Puppy Chewing Problem

Learning how to stop your puppy from chewing can become a difficult chore that will leave you frustrated, especially when they get ahold of your favorite pair of shoes, or they are constantly chewing on you.

If you want to stop your puppy from chewing, there are a few things that you need to understand about them before you just blame them for their behavior.

To begin with, chewing is a natural part of being a puppy. Rather than trying to stop them from this natural behavior, you should work towards redirecting the problem to another source. Get them chew toys and a bone thatthey are allowed to gnaw on to their hearts content.

It is much easier to redirect a problem than to try and stop it completely, especially when the problem is more of a human problem than a puppy one.

Another thing to consider is that certain behaviors tend to instigate chewing, especially when they are chewing on you. This can lead to dog aggression problems later on, so you need to nip it in the bud now rather than putting it off.

But, again, this is a human problem as much as a puppy problem. In order to stop your pupply from chewing on you, you need to pay attention to what you do that instigate it.

Certain sudden movements, or aggressive behavior towards your puppy (even in play) will push them into chewing. Also, when you are playing, if they start chewing on you, stop the activity.

Dogs can't distinguish between play time and not play time. Although they love to play, the habits that they will pick up then will transfer to other times.

You should never allow your dog to play aggressively and chewing is one of the easiest bad habits to break.

When they start chewing, redirect them to one of their play toys, and separate yourself from them.

If the chewing problem persists, you may need to keep them in a kennel until they learn to behave. Crate training can take some time, but is very beneficial in stopping a wide variety of puppy problems, including them wanting to chew on you.

Follow these tips to stop your puppy from chewing, and get them under control. It doesn't take much, but by paying attention to your behavior and redirecting their behavior to an appropriate toy will help you to get things under control.

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

A Link Exchange Email That Worked

A Link Exchange Email That Worked

Link exchange emails get deleted pretty quickly from my inbox. But I got one today that I not only read, but I replied to it immediately. And after thinking about it for a minute, I thought that there might be a lesson to learn from how the email was phrased. (Because yes, I occasionally send a link exchange email or two myself, and I usually get the same miserable response as everyone else does.)

Here's a reasonable approximation of the email I received.

Subject Line: Red Widgets Review Website


Hello Randy-

I happened across your website on the internet as I have also spent the last few months building a Red Widget Reviews website with a friend.

I wanted to know if you would be interested in exchanging links to our site.

I am just starting out and was reading some of your articles, your "About Me" page, your goal of reviewing red widget review, etc...and you sound like a down to earth person.

Do you have any advice for us on how we can make our site as useful as yours seems to be?

How long did it take for you to get a lot of visitors to your site?

Thanks for any advice you can give us.

Polite Webmaster
Red Widget Reviews

Why This Link Exchange Email Worked

I have some ideas about why this email was so effective, and I'll point them out here. Some of this is common advice found on any number of sites that talk about link exchanges:
  • The email addressed me by name, which demonstrates that some thought and care were put into it.
  • The email made it clear that they had visited my site.
  • The praise for my site seemed sincere.
  • The webmaster asked for my advice on how to be successful.

I bolded the last line for a reason; I think it was a critical component of why this link exchange email worked. For one thing, they expressed admiration and flattered me, and also, they asked me for help. These were exactly the right buttons to push with me, and I think they're probably effecitve buttons for anyone else too. Who doesn't want to be told they've done a good job on their website? And who doesn't want to feel smart enough to give advice?

Some More Cool Articles About Exchanging Links

I still think reciprocal links are cool, but automated, dumb links exchanges are uncool. So be smart and trade links without automating.

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